Our Purpose
To bring glory to God - Ephesians 3:21
The primary reason the church exists is to glorify God. This is the responsibility of every member in the body. We glorify God when we worship Him, when we praise Him, when we proclaim His Word, when we live His Word and when we spread His Word.
To grow - Matthew 28:18-20
Christians should continually be growing stronger spiritually. This is so important that when Jesus gave His great commission He only gave one command in those verses, "Make disciples." Just adding numbers to the roll is not the goal; the goal is saved, instructed, mature disciples.
The church's goal should also be to help them become disciples. The Lord's desire for His people, the church, is spiritual maturity.
To help people find God, grow their faith, discover their purpose, and serve with love, for the glory of God.
Acts 2:44 captures one of the great principles of the Christian church as it says, “And all who believed were together and had all things in common.” While we respect and celebrate the uniqueness of every member of our Glenwood church family, we unapologetically value five core areas in the life of our church. Together, these shared values identify who we are, rally us toward all that we desire to accomplish, and unite us in fellowship.
Excellence - “...Glorify God...”
The Glenwood family believes that honoring God with our very best is an essential quality of Christian living. We strive to display excellence in all things to the glory of God. Great care is taken to ensure a wonderful, worshipful environment in every area of ministry.
Evangelism - “...help people find God...”
Under the direct commission of Jesus Christ, Glenwood exists to reach those in our neighborhoods and around the world who have yet to come to faith in Jesus Christ. Our church services and ministry models all point toward sharing the message of the Gospel with individuals and families. Every member of the church is challenged to share their faith daily in work, schools and social settings.
Engagement - “...serve with love...”
The joyful responsibility of every member of Glenwood includes fully engaging in the life of the church. We ask and expect members to faithfully volunteer in multiple areas of church ministry. We challenge every member to participate in a local, national or international mission activity. And finally, we believe that every member has a financial responsibility to support the work of Christ on earth through the Church. By participating in each of these areas of service, a member will experience the fullness of this church fellowship.
Equipping - “...grow in faith...”
One of the great passions of this church family is to intentionally share in the process of Christian growth and development of individuals and families. Glenwood offers discipleship training, mentoring, Bible Study and our Sunday School Ministry. Classes are offered on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evening to strengthen the faith of those who believe, and to encourage those who are on a journey toward faith.
Encouragement - “...discover their purpose...”
Beyond growth in faith, we believe in the whole development of every individual, and strive to be an encouraging and comforting body of believers. Glenwood exists for people … those here and those yet to come. As we develop our people in Christian living, we desire to see individuals and families strengthened by the love shared among the people of this church.